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Financial Accounting Textbooks
Chapters 1 through 16 including problem sets
The financial accounting books cover a range of financial accounting topics related to the accounting and reporting cycle, current assets, long-term assets, debt, equity, and cash flows. This material is customarily covered in introductory accounting courses, and is foundational for all accountants and business persons. The writing approach is a careful blend of concepts and practice. Great care was taken to construct a seamless presentation that flows along a continuous thought process. The careful attention to design should make the book equally appealing to those interested in using accounting information, or those who want to begin to learn how to work in accounting positions.

Managerial Accounting Textbooks
Chapters 17 through 24 including problem sets
The managerial accounting books cover a range of managerial and cost accounting topics related to planning, directing, and controlling functions. Costing methods, operating and capital budgets, tools for analysis, performance evaluation, decision-making processes, and reporting techniques are all covered in depth. This material is customary for most managerial accounting courses, and is foundational for all accountants and business people.

Practice Sets
The practice sets cover a variety of topics such as basic transaction processing principles and methods, preparation of periodic financial reports, applying accounting knowledge in a simulated business environment, application of detailed accounting principles, and business/management decisions making.
The practice sets are an excellent learning tool to accompany most introductory accounting courses. Students may solve the practice sets alone, or in groups. A separate solution manual is electronically available to instructors.